AreasOf Funding
Self Actualization

Organizations that actively promote community improvement, philanthropy, and volunteerism; serve disadvantaged communities or individuals by fostering personal growth, achievement of one’s potential, and improving quality of life; and those focused on culture & humanities.
Public Safety

Organizations supporting local Police, Sheriff, Fire, and Search & Rescue Departments. In addition, WCF actively supports many organizations serving active duty military and retired veterans. Special attention is also given to requests regarding Police/Sheriff K-9 dogs.
Nonprofit Social Services

All-inclusive – everything to do with people’s wellbeing and the welfare of others. Community Service organizations (YMCA’s, Boys & Girls Clubs, Food Banks, etc.), foster youth programs, elderly/senior support, and physical & mental wellbeing.
Human Services

Organizations with missions focused on providing assistance to meet people’s basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, health), especially those focused on supporting those in need in becoming self sustained. Job training, disaster relief, child advocates, and children & youth programs are also included in this category.
Shelter Services

Domestic abuse homes, recovery centers, and temporary shelters used during natural/accidental disasters. The WCF also places high long-term solutions to individuals and families facing housing difficulties.
Agriculture, Food & Nutrition

Local Food Banks, Rescue Missions, and other food centers (e.g. Unity Shoppe). Organizations tackling issues of hunger, food insecurity, and food distribution.